with Céline Braconnier and Jean-Yves Dormagen, «The Heavy Variables are Still Alive and Kicking: The Drop in Voter Turnout and the Increase in Electoral Disparities in Spring 2017», Revue française de science politique (english)
Building on the Voter Turnout Survey 2017 conducted by Insee, and consequently based on data without selection bias, self-selection bias or declaration bias, the authors show that the increase of abstention during the 2017 election cycle – real but relatively contained for the presidential election, dramatic for the parliamentary elections – doesn’t lead to an equalization of citizens’ voting behavior. On the contrary, the socio-demographic inequalities in participation have continued to rise during the last decade. They are primarily the consequences of inequalities in education. The continued relevance of the sociological model explaining the participation has been broadly confirmed.
Link : The Heavy Variables are Still Alive and Kicking
English translation of Braconnier, Coulmont & Dormagen, « Toujours pas de chrysanthèmes pour les variables lourdes de la participation électorale », Revue française de science politique